EdSchool – Education Template Kit

EdSchool – Education Template Kit


Containing school site fundamental elements:
* News
* Contact form
* Classes, Testimonials
* Events


Meet our school website template kit, which we built for professionals looking to create and publish school pages using Elementor plugin. We built it to serve any type of school site, including:
* Kindergarten Elementary,
* High School University
* Any kind of School Our School kit comes with several unique designer-made pages:
* Gallery page: Gives your visitors a closer look at the school atmosphere.
* About and Contact pages: Tell your visitors what you’re about, and get them to contact you.
* Programs Page: Display information about the school curriculum and a summary of the aims and values of the school.
* Head of school message: Send a message to your students.
* Team page: Let students and parents meet your staff.

Templates Included

This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.
* List of image URLs

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